Tag Archives: romance

Songs That Grabbed Me – Hunters & Collectors, Throw Your Arms Around Me

I’ve loved this song since the day I first heard it. The beautiful haunting lyrics written by Hunters & Collectors lead singer Mark Seymour in the mid-1980’s Human Frailty album, apparently are about a one night stand. Hmm. I completely missed that when I was 15. Continue reading

Rochelle’s Briefcase – Chapter 11

Greetings everyone,

I’ve been madly working away at Chapter 11 of Rochelle’s Briefcase after receiving some encouraging feedback. Thanks heaps to everyone who has been reading it and voting.

The voting at the end of Chapter 10 decided that the other mob, the infamous and mysterious Team B would arrive at Rochelle’s place first, so needless to say Chapter 11 starts with high tension.

I really enjoyed writing this one. It introduces a couple of new characters and I’ve done a scene or two from a different point of view. I hope you find it interesting.

And the ending! Gotta love it.

Don’t forget to vote!

You can find Chapter 11 here at Story Time or the main page for catch-ups here.
