Monthly Archives: May 2011

A Postscript to Myki

Dear Myki,

On the very day I wrote to you expressing my frustration and disappointment with your performance, the state government announced it decided not to get rid of you after all. This means it’s just you and me kiddo and a million or so other passengers, so we have to learn to live with each other. Continue reading

A Letter to Myki

Dear Myki,

I tried to like you. I wanted our relationship to work so I give you more chances than you deserved but you’ve disappointed me. At first things worked very well between us, even when you ignored me I was willing to look past that. I was patient but you let me down, Myki. I don’t have the trust in you I expected at this stage of our relationship. It’s been over a year! Continue reading

A Bottle of With Iron!

Did you know? Iron in our diet isn’t meant for haemoglobin after all. No. In this increasingly narcissistic society iron apparently has a far more desirable quality than carting life-giving oxygen around our fat and not-so-little bodies. A while ago at my city train station a bunch of pretty girls were frantically handing out free bottles of “With Iron!” to each and every peak hour traveller. The fancy and comparatively fine print above the screaming words “With Iron!” stated that it was in fact orange juice with iron. Good to know. Continue reading