Category Archives: tools

The Genre Pie – Feeding Readers More Information

How many readers and writers have been asked which genre a book fits into? Lots, huh? And how many struggle to find just one genre? Just as many? Yes, I’m not surprised.

For example, “Well, this book is kind of young adult, mystery, with a bit of romance set in a futuristic post-apocalyptic world with lots of historical references, so all of those!”

How many of them like food? Same or more?

Well here’s something we can feed them that will keep them all happy: The Genre Pie! Continue reading

Rochelle’s Briefcase, Chapter 9 – A Scrivener Experiment

Greetings everyone!

I think one or two of you might actually be following my serial novel, “Rochelle’s Briefcase” so I’ll just mention that Chapter 9 is up. Voters who read chapter 8 (or skipped straight to the poll) decided that the car parked outside Rochelle’s place was a police car and not the well-known blue hatchback, not the ominous black car with tinted windows, and not Tina’s car. Continue reading